Meet Our Team

  • Nicholas Nie - CEO (Chief Executive Officer) & CTO
    (Chief Technology Officer)

    Nicholas focuses on technical aspects as well as research and development. He received the Global Silver Award at the Invention Convention World and the Gold Award for Best Team in the Student Investment Challenge, as well as the Best Individual Award.

  • Elvis Wu - CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) & CFO
    (Chief Financial Officer)

    Elvis, our marketing and financial expert, led his team to victory in the ASDAN Business Competition. He has received the Bronze Award, as well as recognition for Best Design and Best Roadshow Grand Slam.

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Our History

Our journey as a team began back in middle school when we became national champions in the VEX competition. It was during this time that our shared passion for the intersection of technology and business sparked our desire to innovate solutions for healthrelated issues. We started by brainstorming innovative ideas to address health challenges in our community. With our combined expertise and unwavering determination, we are committed to making a significant impact in the field.

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Our mission is to push the boundaries of prosthetics and transform lives. We are committed to redefining the field by providing individuals with outstanding mobility and customized solutions adapted to their specific demands.

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